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Five Startups Already Using Smart Contracts

Considering how much blockchain is rising in the market these days, it’s equally interesting to see smart contracts on the rise as well.

For those unfamiliar, smart contracts act as signed digital documents, which take up residence on a blockchain. Once the terms are fulfilled on whatever the contract holds, they’re automatically fulfilled. It just really depends on the terms of those involved, so that the workflow is kept from stalling.

That said, it’s great to see a number of start-ups out there devoted to all things smart contracts. Here are five great ones to keep an eye on as 2022 continues to rumble onward.

HashCash Consultants

HashCash is easily one of the more trusted start-ups on the market, utilized by banks, payment networks, currency exchanges, and other companies.

Using blockchain-driven technology, it works across a number of areas, including trade finance, payment processing, and remittances, among others.

In addition, HashCash also has its own digital asset exchange services, which run in-house. This includes the digital asset payment system BillBitcoins; as well as the BitCoin and AltCoin friendly PayBito. And it helps all sorts of businesses, even those that may be in the midst of a “crunch” with a looming deadline.

With a strong global presence stemming out of California, HashCash will likely continue to grow as Smart Contracts and Blockchain alike flourish.


Based out of Serbia, Tenderly is a reliable start-up, still fresh on the scene. That said, it has come a long way on the smart contracts front. This is especially when it comes to ironing out the details with security and fulfillment.

Utilizing real-time data across smart contracts using an EVM — an Ethereum Virtual Machine for short — the company is able to troubleshoot a number of problems that could emerge within the technology.

This includes making sure terms and conditions are met, as well as developing any solutions that squash any bothersome bugs or other awaiting problems.

It can also produce results for consumers, including detailed graphs that show off the effects of their smart contracts, as well as other vital blockchain data that comes down the line. Even as an overseas entity, Tenderly proves itself vital when it comes to all things smart business.

Once Sync

Farmers seem to be the last kind of people that would grasp high-end technology like blockchain and smart contracts. But, surprise, they’re out there, and a company like Once Sync is ready to serve them.

The company provides solutions to farmers when it comes to building a profit digitally, including creating digital records of payments, as well as providing a line of credit to help build additional business revenue.

Records of this business are then kept securely through the company’s Shamba records, making them incredibly easy to keep track of. Even farmers devoted to all things “simple life” can get a hang of what this Kenya-based company has to provide.

Those interested can visit the link above and get a good idea of what kind of venture they can dip into. Sometimes the best way to learn about a business like this is to simply jump in.

AVA Labs

Next up is AVA Labs, a Brooklyn-based business. They specialize in all things crypto, even for those that may be new to the market.

AVA uses a blockchain-based network in which it builds with its investors, using a decentralized payment system along with tokenization and smart contracts, all handled securely with only the highest level of professionalism.

It also knows quite a bit when it comes to application development infrastructure through Dapps, as well as the Avalanche consensus protocol. It even has its own custom crypto token for its platform, rather than using one from an outside market.

With many investors involved, including high-end ones like Andreessen Horowitz and Abstract Ventures, its business model is undeniable. Not to mention that it should continue to grow past its $6 million funding as 2023 approaches.


Despite the odd name — it’s pronounced Ann-Chain-Eyy-I, by the way — AnChain.ai provides security solutions that businesses large and small can invest in. Even if they’re just starting in the world of blockchain.

Using security measures that keep any smart contract information safe from a breach, AnChain.ai specializes in its own Blockchain Ecosystem Intelligence. That means behavioral-based intelligence solutions that anyone can get behind.

The company uses a Transactional Analytics Platform when it comes to keeping track of smart contracts and blockchain alike. It watches out for any kind of automated threats and anomalies. It also provides a user-friendly dashboard for anyone who invests.

This keeps track of crypto-assets, forensic analysis, response to incidents, and other things all in one convenient place.

Plus, it’s located right in the business-savvy city of San Jose. That makes it within reach of others that want to understand a market such as this.

It’s just warming up in this business…not even five years old yet. But with many investors and millions of dollars, AnChain.ai has a solid grasp on the future of smart contracts.

The post Five Startups Already Using Smart Contracts appeared first on KillerStartups.

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