Amazon’s live action adaptation of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time novels adaptation premiered late last year to a solid reception. With a second season already locked in, fans of the books are looking forward to what characters and story elements from the novels the show will bring in, and another of the show’s new additions has been revealed.
Love and Thunder is heavily inspired by the work of writer Jason Aaron, who co-created Gorr and introduced Jane in her new guise as the female Thor. Aaron’s yearslong Thor saga is ultimately an exploration of what it means to be worthy. With any luck, the movie will cover similar thematic ground, forcing Thor to finally, definitively decide who he is and what he stands for.
Just the United States? Well, at least according to this map. The film’s co-writer and director Colin Trevorrow took to Twitter to reveal the below map which details dinosaur sightings across the country. Since the release happened in Northern California, well, that’s where most of the dinosaurs are being spotted. But watch out, East Coast… it looks like they’ll be heading your way very soon.
The post Why Colin rescued Jane against demon legacy? appeared first on KillerStartups.
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