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How to Produce Great Corporate Training Videos

Knowledge and productivity are the lifeblood of any successful organization. Hence, employers of labor are constantly seeking new ways to improve the skill set of their employees. One of such ways is the creation of corporate training videos to improve employees’ knowledge and productivity. Ever wondered why some organizations are mediocre and others are noted for their excellence? The secret lies in creating great corporate training videos to fill the knowledge deficit of their workforce. 

The usefulness of any corporate training video is solely based on how it was created. Hence, the common question on the average employer’s mind is how to create a training video? The answer to this question is using effective and efficient video training software like iSpring Suite. 

Why Training Videos?

After several surveys attesting to the efficacy of videos, their use has become popularized. Videos are a useful learning resource as they pass knowledge in a creative, immersive, and efficient way. With videos, you can onboard new hires, introduce a corporate concept, and inculcate new skills. A distinct feature of videos is their immersion of trainees into the learning process. This is a result of the special effects used to simplify abstract corporate concepts and make learning enjoyable.

Also, videos can be accessed from anywhere. They can be accessed from phones, laptops, iPads, and other access devices. You can watch them from the comfort of your room, office, a coffee shop, and while using the subway.

Practical Steps to Creating Great Corporate Training Videos

Creating great corporate training videos can be a walk in the park. However, this depends on the quality of the video training software. Using a video training software like iSpring Suite allows you to create professional videos right in PowerPoint. Apart from using a video authoring toolkit, other steps ensure quality and professionalism. They include: 

1. Set goals and objectives

The first step in getting started is to have a definite plan or aim. Failure to do this may ruin the flow of your video creation. You should have an end goal in mind as it streamlines your content. You should ask yourself various questions as they would form the entire framework of your video. A question such as What should my audience know by the time the video ends?  What notions should they have discarded by the end of the video? 

The aim of your video may be to incorporate a concept into their daily lives. It may be to reject a few notions and confirm some. The video may also be to consolidate a previous concept. Whatever the aim is, ensure you put it into consideration before shooting. Doing this helps you gain clarity. It also helps if you consider your audience. You should take factors like their age, level of knowledge, exposure, and preferences into factor. Do not forget the video was made for them. 

2. Prepare all the materials

Prior proper preparation prevents poor performance. Ensure that you have all the needed materials in one place. Organizing your materials speeds up the entire process. The intensity of your preparation reflects in the quality of your video. The first material you should prepare is your video script.

 Your script is like a draft. It gives you an idea of what to do and say. When drafting your script, add a time limit. This gives you a sense of purpose. You are susceptible to veering off midway if you do not write the order of your video. Make sure the points are logical so you do not ramble while shooting. Also, gather relevant content materials like PowerPoint slides, images, and demos.

3. Prepare the recording environment

Background noises and sounds can be a huge source of distraction to your trainees. Hence, you have to ensure your recording space is noise-free. Background noises like door creaks, notification popups, and alerts should be eliminated. You should do this before recording as background noises can affect your flow and delivery. 

If you are using a video training software like Ispring suite, all you need are a few plugins. For example, a microphone and a USB webcam are good.

4. Make a test recording

We advise making a test recording. Doing this gives you a rough idea of how the video would turn out. At this phase, you must not leave anything to chance. Moreover, this is the stage where you verify if all the gathered assets are useful. During this test recording stage, you can immediately spot errors to avoid in the actual video. 

Whether you are recording a screencast or shooting a traditional video, you have to test-run the video. 

5. Record your video

This is the make-it or break-it part of the entire process. Any fatal error here may reduce the quality of your video. This is not to suggest that errors cannot be made at this phase. However, avoid some errors by following the right steps. The pre-shooting technique you would use is dependent on the type of training video. For a screencast, you would have to close all tabs and apps. Likewise, unclosed apps, tabs, and pending tasks can constitute unnecessary distractions. 

If you are shooting a video, you should eliminate every form of noise. Ensure your furniture is not creaking or making weird sounds. You should also make use of a tripod. A tripod prevents the shakiness caused by using your hands. Your trainees would be put off by a shaky video. Also, properly light the recording area. Hence, you have to opt for the best lighting kit.

Ispring suite allows you to create professional videos with minimal stress and simple techniques. You do not have to be tech-savvy to use this software. Its interface also contributes to its high level of functionality. 

6. Edit your video

After recording your video, you must add finishing touches to the video. This is the stage to filter your errors during the recording phase. It also doubles as a good time to add special effects to your video. A Video that is devoid of special effects wouldn’t captivate the mind of your trainees. Annotation to your video to make sure viewers focus. Adding music to your corporate videos improves the user- experience. However, you should ensure the music is not distracting. Also, you should use a video editing tool like iSpring Cam Pro. This tool is affordable, efficient, and has a variety of great features to make your videos outstanding.

7. Share and distribute your video

The final step is to disseminate the video to the appropriate quarters. Before you can distribute the videos, you have to understand your audience. So, if your audience is an internal one, you would have to host them on an LMS after the access granted by the admin. On the other hand, if you have an external audience on online platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, use them to host the videos. These videos can be easily shared by copying and pasting the URL. You should also give your trainees a detailed guide on how to access your video.

Wrapping up

To create great corporate training videos, you have to adhere to a series of steps and procedures. These steps are very important, particularly pre-shooting tips. Indeed, shooting great corporate training videos takes time, effort, and practice, and using excellent training software like iSpring Suite. iSpring Suite simplifies the recording process with its tools and features. These features are to ensure that the videos produced are compatible with industry standards and specifications.

The post How to Produce Great Corporate Training Videos appeared first on KillerStartups.

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