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Beta Pitch for Rapport

Company / App Name: Rapport

Twitter – HqRapport

What does it do?

Rapport is all-in-one software for 1 to 1 professionals, like tutors, coaches and therapists. It helps them grow and improve their businesses by providing tools for marketing, sales, payments, meetings and more.

Why do we need it?

We believe that people who help others should be able to focus on doing that to the best of their ability. Rapport helps them by minimising their admin, helping with their sales and by keeping their clients happy in-between sessions.

Who is it for?

Any 1 to 1 professional, or team, providing the following types of service: tutoring, coaching, training, therapy, counselling.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

It’s designed to help across all aspects of the business

When and how are you opening up your beta to new users?

We’re open to new users right now.

When do you plan on launching?

Rapport has launched and we’re testing with early adopters right now.

The post Beta Pitch for Rapport appeared first on The Startup Pitch.

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