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Bragardo – Social Media / Gaming


Quick Information

  • Name of Startup: BRAGARDO
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Website: Bragardo.com
  • Type of company: Social Media/Gamingc
  • HQ Location: Remote

Startup Founders:

Rory Marks – I’m the founder. I manage the whole project, design, finance, admin, Investor relations

Startup one-liner:

A Revolutionary new Social Media Start-up.

Problem the startup solves:

Passive vs active users. Studies show between 35-90% of 4.8 billions user are passive. Most now just scroll and read the odd post. I wanted to create something that users would want to use, want to engage and get enjoyment from using. The social side of the app offers everything they’d expect from a social media app but the game is where you’ll get a dopamine kick. Compete against others, win games, score points, win trophies and eventually rewards and importantly meet other like minded people. Interaction. Social media currently classes a like, or a comment on someones post that doesn’t get a response as an interaction.

It’s partly because of social media that people don’t really interact with each other any more. Bragardo aims to bring back interaction. The user sets up the battle profile. This can be anything they have a passion for or are interested in. they play a game they will be matched with someone in that category with the same interests, following the game they can add them as a friend. It’s such a great way of building friends, making new connections but also is a great way for brands and businesses to access an already engaged audience. Inclusivity Social Media is very one sided.

It’s heavily dominated by celebrities and influencers. Everybody just admires them, likes their pictures and dreams of their lifestyle. Not everyone is in the same position. If anything most aren’t. Bragardo aims to change this. It wants everyone to be equal. The game allows you to build your battle profile based on your interests and passions. You might not own a Ferrari but you love the engineering, you may not have the latest sneakers but you’re a Jordan fan. You don’t have to have it to enjoy it! Just be yourself.

Progress and current status:

I started working on the idea and designing April 2020. Spent 7/8 months researching industry, building ………, approached investor. We started building/developing app January 2021, continuous development, testing. Beta marketing campaign started 09/08/2022. We launched the app for beta testing on Monday 15 August. Users can register at www.bragardo.com, following that they will be sent a link to download the app via Apple Testflight.

What is a crazy story about the startup?:

I have been working secretly on this for over 2 years. Non of my friends, work colleagues, family knew about it until a week ago. Ive been working 2 jobs and between 16-18 hours a day for most the time to get where the app to where it is.

What is a company the startup looks up to, and why?:

Without hesitation I would say the original Social Chain with Steven Bartlett and Dom McGregor . They came into a massively saturated and competitive industry but they came with a fresh new approach. They saw problems within the industry and overcame them to become one of the best there is. Everything was well documented, you learnt from there struggles and its safe to say it has inspired me to push.

The company in four years will be…

We have big goals for Bragardo. We know the social media industry is extremely competitive. We have made it clear we dont want to compete with the likes of Instagram, Facebook, TikTok etc… The reason they have been successful is because each platform offers something different, their wn specialization. Instagram has pictures and Reels, TikTok has videos and LinkedIn is business orientated, we aim to join them in the ranks with our own specialization with our real time, interactive game.

In four years we will have 100+ million users. The app will continue to improve, following trends and adding features. We’ll have offices in different key cities with an incredible positive working culture. We’ll give people opportunities to grow and develop. The game categories will be run by people involved in those communities who have a an actual love and passion for them. The marketplace will allow users to buy and sell through the app. Brands and Businesses will use Bragardo as their choice of marketing.

We’ll be recognized as one of the best social media/gaming apps for both user’s, brands and businesses.

Previous Killer Startup: Coach Compare – Coach Directory Online   

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