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5 Newly Series C Companies You Should Have An Eye On To Help Your Business

It’s hardly a secret that 2021 was an incredible year for startup funding. Investments hit a worldwide record at $643 billion, shattering figures from 2020. Although 2022 looks to be a calmer year, the money that was earmarked during the past 12 months is in play. That means you can expect to see a lot of growth, innovation, and initiatives from venture capital recipients, especially late-stage companies receiving Series C funding.

What makes late-stage venture capital round companies particularly notable?

  • For one, they’ve already proven their merit on the national or global stage. Making past a Series A or B round requires more than just theoretical-based proof of concept.
  • Secondly, late-stage ventures tend to have some branding possibilities. Many are recognizable to the point of being in the news regularly.
  • Finally, the late-stagers often have the ability to scale quickly thanks to strong internal teams and proven game plans.

This doesn’t mean that all companies that have been Series C funded in late-stage rounds deserve publicity. However, many do, including the following organizations. Each just snagged impressive Series C funding to propel them forward. Keep an eye on these businesses—they’re poised to rock their industries.

1. GoStudent: Series C $244 Million Raise

Since the beginning of the pandemic, online education has become more important than ever. GoStudent, a European startup that was making great strides prior to Covid, leveraged its existing infrastructure to lead the pack. GoStudent’s platform matches students with tutors, giving all learners the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

With more than 19,000 tutors covering a wide range of subjects, GoStudent’s Series C impressive Series C raise definitely raised eyebrows. What makes the raise especially fascinating is that it followed a Series B raise just a few months before. Leveraging GoStudent’s credibility as a top tutoring site in Europe, the company is expanding into America. Look for GoStudent to continue its mission to educate through powerful one-to-one tutoring relationships.

2. Truework: Series C $50 Million Raise

Consumers are becoming more concerned about protecting their identity online. However, they know that they need to pass along income and employment verification data to snag loans and jobs. Truework has figured out how to make it possible for personal, sensitive information to exchange hands online safely. Thanks to its success, Truework recently earned a $50 million Series C raise.

Truework’s uniqueness comes not only in its hyper-secure system but in its philosophy. Rather than operating from a corporate-centric model, it operates from a consumer-focused one. Consumers have complete control over who gains access to their data—and who doesn’t. This gives them a powerful way to have more say when seeking a car loan, renting an apartment, or purchasing a home. Look for Truework to use its Series C funding to fuel expansion into other markets and extend its user features and benefits.

3. Moximed: Series C $40 Million Raise

Entrepreneurial healthcare solutions are taking medicine to new levels. Moximed, a startup focused on bringing its knee-based implantable shock absorber to market, has just announced that it raised $40 million in its Series C round. Unlike other medical device companies, Moximed is structured around a single product currently. Its drill-down, deep niche concentration allows the business to rally around a single solution.

Single solutions don’t always equate to long-term success in healthcare. Nevertheless, other medical supply makers have found it best to start in a similarly targeted manner. If Moximed can keep its name in front of patients and providers, it has the opportunity to become an excellent contender in its chosen lane.

4. ForwardX Robotics: Series C $100+/- Million Raise

Founded six years ago, ForwardX Robotics is based in China and provides robotic automation solutions for warehousing. According to TechCrunch, ForwardX has not confirmed the exact raise, but estimates put it around the $100 million mark. Spokespeople for ForwardX say the money will go toward research and development, as well as expansion into new territories.

Robotics startups are nothing new and neither is automation in warehouse settings. Despite this, ForwardX Robotics seems to have a good handle on how to fold AI into its mobile robotics solutions. The company’s “faster, stronger, smarter” mantra has the potential to bring ForwardX to the forefront of the field.

5. Kiddom: Series C $35 Million Raise

The unparalleled growth in the education industry has propelled Kiddom toward a Series C raise of $35 million just last year. Kiddom’s digital learning platform provides a single-source online location for teachers to integrate their curriculum, lesson plans, and more. Although Kiddom has been tapped for its virtual success, it can be used for hybrid and in-person classes, too.

Kiddom’s key differentiator is an effort to bring together all elements of schooling into one flexible, engaging platform. So far, the company has seen significant interest from educational institutions looking for more comprehensive online learning systems. Kiddom’s latest investment will help the business continue to address education inequity, one community at a time.

Startups need money to kickstart new and continuing ventures. The five companies serve as examples of Series C raises that show investors are ready to put their money toward innovation like never before.

The post 5 Newly Series C Companies You Should Have An Eye On To Help Your Business appeared first on KillerStartups.

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