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How DSAT Scores Help You Uncover Gaps in CX

It’s a familiar scene: a customer contacts your service desk for help. They’re unhappy to begin with, and a frustrating conversation or unsolved problem leaves them straight up disgruntled. This is where CSAT and DSAT scores come in. Ultimately, the agent ends up disheartened, too. You get back the customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey: one star out of five. At worst, these situations harm your brand and your people, and the CSAT score gets plopped into an unorganized digital drawer. 

At best? You can use that difficult customer to improve your entire customer journey. 

Track, Organize, and Aggregate CSAT and DSAT data

Data is only helpful when applied properly with clarity and context. CSAT and DSAT (customer dissatisfaction—i.e. those 1- and 2-star surveys) are no different. To apply those metrics, you first need a tool that can isolate and aggregate the relevant scores and QA scorecards. You also want something that can integrate different types of data for a holistic picture of your CX efficacy. 

Suppose you’re looking for an easier way to manage, track, and leverage DSAT data. In that case, the DSAT Analysis Dashboard from MaestroQA provides an automated way to identify and aggregate DSAT tickets —without manually exporting data from your helpdesk. 

Looking at your DSAT scores by channel, tag, ticket form, and public comment buckets makes root cause analysis easier and allows you to identify your most significant opportunities for improvement quickly.

Once you have your data, you can sort it in different ways: by product, by agent, by the length of a call, etc. Look for patterns. This will help you determine whether certain agents need coaching, or whether one of your internal processes or tools is to blame.

Typically, there are three main reasons customers are unhappy: 

  1. They didn’t get fast, clear, reliable support.
  2. The product or service had issues.
  3. They aren’t happy with your policies.

Here’s how to use data to address each of these areas. 

Improve Your Support Experience

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes for a moment: When we contact customer service, we hope to speak with a subject matter expert. We’ve made a purchase, so there’s an exchange of value. We might even feel that the brand failed us in some way. So, when our questions aren’t answered on a call, we sometimes get upset. (That’s never an excuse to treat someone poorly—even on a chat—but it’s a reality.) 

Some customers will be unhappy no matter what. But many just need a little extra support—and you can discover what that support looks like via your data. If you discover that a lack of knowledge is hurting your scores, update your knowledge base. If certain processes are slowing down your agents, address those. Likewise, if you find agents are using inflammatory phrases or tones, coach them on the psychology of communication. If follow-up documentation sent to customers is muddy, edit or re-create it. 

The voice of your unhappy customers is one of the best guideposts for where to focus your CX team’s attention. 

Work with Your Partners in Other Areas

DSAT scores can also show you when your customer experience is NOT actually the issue. Perhaps your R&D team needs to hear some product feedback, or your fulfillment folks need to troubleshoot shipping issues. Maybe there are mail delays or AWS outages or confusing signage at your physical location. Other issues may be the true cause of your customers’ frustrations. 

Knowing those issues allows you to prepare your customer service team to acknowledge those frustrations and, when possible, reframe the problem.

For example, if multiple customers mention a parking shortage at your downtown location, you could quantify those complaints to bring to your local planning commission. Then, when customers contact you, agents can share what’s being done and thank the customer for helping create change. This two-way exchange can alter the whole mood of the call by putting the agent and the customer on the same team while protecting the brand. 

Evaluate Policies that Cause Frustration

Most of us have probably had a moment where we missed a return window for an item that didn’t work out. Some companies will be flexible, telling customers that they want them to be truly happy with their purchase. Other companies will stick to the policy no matter what. Both approaches have pros and cons. Customers might perceive one approach as “great customer service” (when an agent is empowered to make exceptions to a policy). These folks might call stricter policies “poor customer service.” 

Ultimately, you need to make the policy decisions that are best for your brand—but that includes taking your CSAT into consideration. If you have policies that are consistently frustrating your customers, consider the net loss-gain of adjusting the policies. Note that this decision will likely include other partners within your brand, such as your finance team. 

Be Realistic and Optimistic

You can’t make everyone happy, so perfect CSAT scores aren’t realistic. But don’t let an opportunity go to waste. Use those unhappy customers and their CSAT and DSAT scores to guide you to improve your CX, your product, and your policies. 

The post How DSAT Scores Help You Uncover Gaps in CX appeared first on KillerStartups.

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