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5 Sales Meeting Ideas to Motivate Your Team

Everyone who works in sales will look at meetings as something that just has to be done, rather than as an opportunity to improve and increase sales. If you want your sales meetings to be more productive, then you’ll want to look at preparing meetings that will get you the results you want. Here are some great sales meetings ideas that will kickstart your team and get the best out of them.

Use Icebreakers

If the team has never met before, then things can be awkward at first. That makes it harder for you to start getting results from the meeting in question. As such, you can use icebreakers at the very beginning. This is a tried and true strategy to help the team come together and get to know each other. 

There’s a whole wealth of ideas online for good icebreakers. So you’ll be able to find something that works for you and your team. The key essentials for a good icebreaker are that they’re short and simple. They don’t ask the team to reveal anything too personal about themselves. 

For example, you can ask everyone in the room to share an interesting fact about themselves, or play a word association game. 

Set an Agenda

A reason many meetings don’t seem to get anywhere is because their agendas are too vague. “If you’re setting an agenda to discuss general figures and performance, that won’t get you anywhere,” says Jason Marston, a business writer from Boom Essays and OX Essays. “Instead, you want to get specific so you can really start getting results.”

In this example, rather than looking at just the general performance, you can instead set an agenda to come up with ideas for your next seasonal sales campaign. It’s more specific, and you’re more likely to get results that you can use to move forward. 

Create a Common Goal

Related to the last idea, it’s a good idea to create a common goal for your team in your meetings. That way, they all have something that they can take away and work on together as a group. For example, if the agenda is about coming up with ideas for the next sales campaign, the goal can be to come up with themes that can be used during it. 

As you have that goal, the meeting will stay on track as you all bounce ideas around, and once you’re done you should have a list of actionable ideas that you can use. 

Use Media To Mix Things Up

It’s very easy for meetings to start feeling like they’re dragging on. You’ll want to make a point to the group, but how can you do that if they’re getting restless? A really good way of doing this is to introduce different forms of media in order to get the topic across. 

For example, a short video is a great way of getting an idea across, and it mixes things up. The key is to keep it short and sweet. You can use pictures, videos, and more to increase engagement with your team. When you use different types of media, it keeps the energy up and encourages the team to stay focused. 

Keep Meetings Short

This is a tip that feels obvious. But it’s amazing how often meetings go on for longer than they need to. It’s frustrating for staff as they often have long to-do lists, and don’t have time to spend on overlong meetings. You don’t want to take them away from work any longer than necessary. 

As such, keep meetings as short as you can. Stick to an agenda, and don’t let things drag on. If other issues crop up in the meeting, set them aside to be handled another time, rather than getting derailed in the current meeting. That way, you’re not cutting precious work time short, and you’ll minimize frustration within the team.

These are just a few ideas to get the most value from every sales meeting you have and ensure that everyone is able to take something away from it. Use these ideas to improve your meetings, and you’ll soon see that you’ll get much better results overall. 

These are just a few ideas to get the most value from every sales meeting you have. Additionally, to ensure that everyone is able to take something away from it. Use these ideas to improve your meetings, and you’ll soon see that you’ll get much better results overall. 

The post 5 Sales Meeting Ideas to Motivate Your Team appeared first on KillerStartups.

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