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Pitch for AssetSpace

Company / App Name: AssetSpace

Twitter – @asset_space

What does it do?

AssetSpace is the simplest-ever fixed asset management system that allows to track your fixed assets, sort data with handy filters, and look through the items’ history from anywhere, anytime.

Why do we need it?

AssetSpace has one big goal – to help users take control of their stuff easily. It doesn’t matter if you implement a new asset management process or level up an existing one – AssetSpace is here to help.

Who is it for?

AssetSpace is designed to help small and mid-size offices take control of their fixed assets like laptops, printers, coffee machines, and pretty much any other office stuff. It’s easier than complex systems out there but handier than a simp

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Intuitive interface, only features that really matter, ability to grow and evolve along with users’ needs.

What’s next?

Features and flows that could save users an asset management headache

Link to Company / App Demo video

The post Pitch for AssetSpace appeared first on The Startup Pitch.

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