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6 Best Types of Marketing Content for Startups

Marketing content ranges from blog posts to videos and emails. With an ever-increasing number of options, businesses often find using all types of content marketing stretches them too thin to do any one strategy well. Yet, if you want to be a contender in the digital age, content marketing is essential.

So, what’s the best content to invest in as a startup with big goals and limited budgets?

Learn six types of content marketing you should be doing and how they can fit into your budget.

Key Takeaways:

  • Content marketing is essential for tapping into a highly digital world.
  • Organic content like blog posts and social media require minimal investment and can drive traffic and sales for years.
  • Use lead generation content and email marketing to nurture and convert your traffic.

Do Startups Need Content Marketing?

The world constantly connects to the internet. With 6.84 billion smartphones worldwide and over 10 billion mobile-connected devices, people use the internet to connect with others, brands, and products.

You’ll reach far more people creatively and engagingly if you have a robust web presence. However, not everyone uses the internet the same way. So, you also need a web presence that goes beyond a website to incorporate search engines, social media, and third-party sites.

There are 6.84 billion smartphones.

Image from ExplodingTopics

The benefits of content marketing include:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Building trust and authority
  • Encouraging loyalty
  • Generating and nurturing leads
  • Converting leads into customers

6 Types of Content Marketing Your Startup Needs

Here are six of the best types of content marketing that require minimal costs yet offer significant returns.

1. Blogging

Blogging reigns supreme in content marketing because 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Potential customers are asking questions in Google and Bing, and your startup can provide those answers.

SEO blogging is a cost-effective content marketing strategy. You create a well-designed, quality blog post once, and it continues to generate results for months, even YEARS later, because that blog post generates more traffic over time.

Moreover, each new blog post you publish builds on what you already posted, boosting your ranking in search engine result pages. A high ranking translates to more clicks on your blog posts, increasing traffic to your site.

What should you publish on your blog? Here are some content ideas:

  • Industry tips
  • Educational content and guides
  • Case studies (showing how your startup yields measurable results)
  • Solutions to customer pain points

blogging facts and statistics

Image from Marketing Insider Group

2. Email

Email content marketing delivers content directly to your target audience instead of waiting for them to discover it in a search engine. It’s especially effective for B2B businesses or those with target account lists.

Email nurtures new leads, so once you generate that traffic from your blog posts, you don’t lose them when they leave your website. Instead, you can warm them up to your startup and products through regular content in their inbox.

For email content marketing to be most effective, build multiple personalized campaigns around segments. You may divide your leads by demographic information, their buyer’s journey stage, traffic source, or common pain points.

Email also provides crucial data about your customers. Unlike other online experiences, emails are not anonymous – you know who each address belongs to. This allows you to see how each lead interacts with your emails (Which emails do they open? Which links do they click on?). This customer data helps you deliver more relevant content for each lead.

3. Social Media

Business social media accounts allow you to connect with customers more personally. They allow you to engage with customers in a relaxed atmosphere, giving customers an inside look at who you are as a brand.

You don’t need expensive influencer campaigns and sponsored content to succeed on social media, though you may consider adding those strategies as you grow. Start social media content marketing with a free account and regular engagement posts. Your posts can highlight products, promote blog posts, and encourage engagement through questions, thought-provoking posts, and interactive games.


4. Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most popular content types today. Some ways you can use video marketing include:

  • Live videos on social media
  • Webinars
  • Video for your website, like on your About page or product overviews
  • Social media video posts
  • Reels
  • Embed videos in an email

While videos are more expensive than written content because you have more equipment and people involved in the production, their popularity can lead to a broader reach and higher returns.

You can begin your video marketing strategy with a few professional videos on your website and short social media posts using a new smartphone with a high-definition camera and plenty of natural light.

5. Downloadable Content

Blog posts, social media, and videos are all excellent ways to attract new website traffic and engage with your audience. But then what?

If you only rely on those types of content, most of your visitors may not move past that first stage in the sales funnel. So, you need lead generation content marketing to capture these visitors and add them to your database.

Gated content provides valuable content in exchange for visitor contact information and other crucial information for your database. So, examples of downloadable content marketing include:

  • eBooks
  • Whitepapers
  • Infographics
  • Templates
  • Checklists
  • Videos
  • Digital events (like webinars)

6. Guest Posts

As a startup, your site authority score – which significantly impacts your search engine ranking – may not be high, and you probably won’t have a large traffic flow yet. Your content marketing strategies, like blogging and social media posts, will increase traffic, but it takes time.

However, guest posting lets you immediately reach a large portion of your audience. Guest posting and content syndication involve sharing content you create on third-party sites that already have established authority, trust with their readers, and a niche audience that aligns with yours.

A guest post introduces your startup brand to your intended audience and links to your site to build that crucial brand awareness, authority, and trust.

How to Get Started with Content Marketing

Guess what? You don’t need an established marketing team to get started with content marketing. Content marketing agencies do all the hard work, from researching the best content marketing types to finding topics for your blog posts and social media channels.

Building an online presence as a startup is achievable, and it starts with a strong content marketing strategy using different content types and channels.

The post 6 Best Types of Marketing Content for Startups appeared first on KillerStartups.

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