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How AI is Revolutionizing Hybrid and Remote Work

What work looks like has forever changed since the pandemic lockdown in 2020. With Covid-19 preventing people from going into the office, people were forced to find new ways of getting their work done, and a large part of that was adapting to remote work. Some took to it better than others, but the general consensus for many office workers was something of an “Aha!” moment. A collective realization was made that most desk jobs did not necessarily need to be done in-office. Since then, both remote work and hybrid work (a mix of in-office and remote work) have remained a mainstay in many workplace environments.

Recently the new buzz is all about Artificial Intelligence, or AI. This new technology has proven itself to not just be a passing fad, but instead a strong tool for automating certain practices. It’s working its way into office work, and since the office has somewhat shifted to the home as well, it’s important to discuss how it can be implemented well into working remotely.

The Benefits of Remote Work

Many are quick to raise an eyebrow at the concept of remote work. Working from home, for some, seems like an easy way to slack off, but the truth of the matter could not be more opposite.

According to a study conducted by Artis Rozentals at Forbes, the option of remote work is often a better choice for employees and employers alike. “On average, remote workers worked almost a full hour more than their in-office and hybrid counterparts,” writes Rozentals. “…we found remote workers to be more effective than hybrid workers and in-office ones.”

This example outlines the general trend that remote work can offer. Rozentals does also issue a warning about the pitfalls of remote work as well, though. The largest problems can be mental. Some remote workers report struggling to maintain a work-life balance when their office is as close as their kitchen. It’s important to keep in mind the importance of flexibility in remote work for the sake of mental health.

How AI Improves Remote Work

Remote work does have some unfortunate qualities to it. Without being in the office it can be hard to work with coworkers to track down information, communicate, or efficiently conduct cooperative work. This is where AI comes in. The immediacy that artificial intelligence offers workers can offset the drawbacks of remote work in many different ways.


One of the biggest downsides of remote work is the lack of efficiency. Especially when it comes to interacting with other employees. It’s much quicker and simpler to walk to a coworker’s office and ask for information on a report or to figure out where to locate data in the system than it is to email them and ask the same questions. It can be a grueling process of passing the buck via email until you’ve finally found the information you need to progress your work. AI can mitigate that unnecessary minutia in an instant.

AI, when fully adopted into information systems, is fantastic at scanning for the applicable files necessary to conduct work. No more toiling away searching for the right documents or twiddling your thumbs waiting to hear back from a coworker. This is one of the many applications of AI that can improve efficient work by trimming the fat of peripheral work. This allows employees to focus on the task at hand and improve their productivity during work hours.


Not entirely divorced from the conversation about efficiency, effectively communicating with fellow employees can be a challenge from home. Again, AI takes the spotlight in helping to bridge this remote work gap. With the help of machine learning, AI can grow alongside its users and help to expedite the processes involved with communication. Whether it’s anticipating and coordinating meetings over Zoom or tailoring emails for your approval, AI can make connecting with coworkers a breeze.


As mentioned before, AI learns alongside users and develops into an even more effective tool for conducting work. Beyond simple communicative or efficiency efforts, AI takes the initiative to make working easier. Plug directions into it, and it will do menial tasks in an instant. No longer will you have to spend hours looking for research online when AI can find that information for you. It works just as effectively outside of internal systems. Beyond even that, it can develop more streamlined schedules for optimizing work, or even break down confusing jargon into digestible material. The applications are endless. The longer you work with AI, the more it will grow into your business as an invaluable appendage.

Key Takeaways

AI is a burgeoning technology that’s making its way into every facet of our lives, including work. With the growing acceptance of remote work, AI has become a great tool for maintaining a lean work process. It’s valuable for expediting individual work, communication, and learning to improve general efforts in all kinds of ways. As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated in the coming years, and what defines a workspace becomes more ambiguous, AI will only become a more important resource for maintaining efficiency.

The post How AI is Revolutionizing Hybrid and Remote Work appeared first on KillerStartups.

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