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Granularity | B2B2C Martech


Quick Information

Name of Startup: Granularity
Year Founded: 2021
Website: Granularity.co

Type of company: B2B2C Martech
HQ Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Startup Founders:

  • Alex King (CEO)
  • Anthony Snowell (CTO),
  • Dan Ritzke (CMO),

Startup one-liner:

We help brands collect relevant consumer data on their anonymous website visitors.

Problem the startup solves:

On average, 98% of site visitors are anonymous. Brands work hard to capture Email or IP Addresses, but it’s not enough. With Granularity, brands can place our simple widget on their site, and capture any type of data they want on their largest audience. It’s first party data, and we compensate consumers for sharing it.

On top of that, brands can continue to engage these consumers (can pick by demographic data) on their mobile device.

Progress and current status:

MVP-built, and smaller CPG companies are starting to test it.

Video Link: https://ift.tt/TSVzRcX

What is a crazy story about the startup?:

We have pivoted a lot. This hits a few value adds:

1. Capturing Unknown Site Visitors
2. Capturing relevant consumer data vs. generic email
3. Capturing 1st party data vs. 3rd party data
4. Compensating consumers for sharing their data
5. Engaging on mobile

We have had a hard time figuring out which angle to focus on.

What is a company the startup looks up to, and why?:

We look up to SMS marketing companies because we believe being able to engage on a mobile device vs. email marketing is significantly more effective. We just wanted our own twist on it, and we feel that being able to capture the important information first would be extremely valuable to the brand. Also incentivizing users to share their data.

The company in four years will be…

A leader in the 1st party data collection space.

It is no secret that 3rd party data will be a thing of the past when Google and Apple make their privacy changes. Brands will have to figure out how to shift from a 3rd party data strategy to a 1st party data strategy, or they will lose their ability to capture net new consumers.

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