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Phyziro | Software and Hardware Products and Services


Quick Information

  • Name of Startup: Phyziro
  • Year Founded: 2021
  • Website:
  • Type of company: Software and hardware products and services
    HQ Location: Houston, Texas

Startup Founders:

Rickey L. Hargrove Jr.

Startup one-liner:

Innovative Experiences

Problem the startup solves:

We change the way humans interact with the world through a variety of hardware and software solutions and products.

Progress and Current Status:

We’ve just recently expanded, launched a kickstarter, we’re now less than 10 people. We’ve been through tons of ups and downs but we’re looking forward and aiming for our Kickstarter to help us take the next big step in our journey to establishing our company.

What is an Inspiring Story about the Startup?:

We’re possibly living it out right now or company is in a very tough position after expanding too quickly and for us this Kickstarter is a make or break moment. We took a leap of faith with a calculated expansion but it turns out we weren’t as prepared for it as we thought. We’ve learned from the experience and we understand moving forward how to handle similar situations. If everything works out we think the broader aspect and deeper origins of the founder and the startup is a story inspiring enough to get anyone to pursue something they believe in. The world needs more stories like ours but as we mentioned earlier we’re still living through a make or break moment, only time will tell what kind of story this is.

What is a Company the Startup Looks Up to, and Why?:

We don’t look up to other companies per se, what we do like is individuals who’ve defied all odds and have shown the world despite their lack of support all it took was one person to believe in them enough to financially support their endeavors – like a Steve Jobs. A once homeless man that brought the world innovation after innovation with a little money. His work ethic was so relentless that it lead to his untimely demise, unfortunately nonetheless the only thing that stood between him and Apple as money. We think it’s interesting that some of the worlds most innovative people are probably not building the next biggest thing because of what stands in between them… money. We love people who never quit, work hard, and never took no for an answer and made their companies special. We look up to those companies.

The Company in Four Years Will Be…

We’re aiming for the company to be profitable, expanding, taking on investors with the ability to provide generous returns and changing the people’s lives we set out to change. We’ll be hosting a large enterprise of products from entertainment, fintech, Electric vehicles and so much more. It sounds cliche but we’re aiming to be that one-of-a-kind company that doesn’t come around too often.

The post Phyziro | Software and Hardware Products and Services appeared first on KillerStartups.

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